| Francisco Welter-Schultes
(2012): |
This page was compiled to list corrections of errors and mistakes in this book, as well as omitted information, missing species, additions and updated information.
Errors and all these things can be reported to the author (fwelter (at) gwdg.de).
Overlooked species
Sardopoiretia emanueli Bodon, Nardi, Braccia & Cianfanelli, 2010. This species was overlooked.
Medora adensameri Nordsieck, 2009. I have not seen the original source.
Isabellaria sikeensis Nordsieck, 1984 was initially classified as a subspecies of Isabellaria campylauchen. It was later classified as a separate species by Nordsieck 2007: 48, and p. 112, but this classification was not based on published detailed results of scientific studies. So I did not list it as a separate species.
Elia laevestriata (Retowski, 1887) from near Amasra (Turkey), clearly inside the study area. I thought it was outside.
Cochlodina liburnica (Wagner, 1919). I do currently (01.2013) not understand why I have overlooked this species, and why I have not found any published information about its range and morphology.
Dilataria bosnica (Brancsik, 1897) and Dilataria pirostoma (Boettger, 1878). See p. 309, I should have added these names to the questionable candidate species in this genus.
Balea elegantissima (Wagner, 1914). Somehow I must have missed this species and do not know anything about it.
Vitrea ernesti Riedel & Subai, 2004. This species was overlooked.
Many Caucasian species live also in the mountains along the Russian Black Sea coast (Sochi region etc.). In total these could be up to 100 species. I have not included those species. I should better have removed this region from the study area.
This is a link to H. Nordsieck's page entitled "Critique of Welter-Schultes' guide for species identification of non-marine European molluscs, part Clausiliidae".
I regret that H. Nordsieck had not responded positively to my request to correct the Clausiliidae chapter before publication. Anyway I feel honored that with the detailed comments and corrections of this outstanding expert of this group a future edition of the book can be improved. I am very thankful that he published this precious internet page and made available his knowledge to the malacological community.
The present list contains his corrections. In some cases we have different views (explained here in short comments).
Nordsieck's chapter 6 ("Lumping without sufficient knowledge") is not discussed in detail here. Lumping, splitting and classifying is largely the responsibility of every individual author and here I took advantage of the freedom of science. Not having sufficient knowledge could be improved if more detailed information was published by scientists who have more knowledge. It is probably impossible for one person to know every publication about 2200 species, especially if the papers were published in non-malacological journals.
In Nordsieck's chapter 7 ("Acts against stability of nomenclature") all arguments were discussed in the book (Nordsieck just repeated positions which I had considered and rejected in the book), except the last comment, see my comment here under p. 349.
Nordsieck's chapter 10 ("Poor illustrations"): better pictures are always welcome. The reason why I did not clean all the shells were explained in the introduction p. 3. The reason for occasionally having selected badly preserved or subfossil shells is easy to explain. This was in most cases simply because I did not have better material at my disposal. Better preserved shells of these species can be sent to Haus der Natur Cismar, then we can take photos of these for the next edition. I am convinced that the next edition can be improved very much.
Reviews were published by Bank 2013 in Spirula 390 and by Bank & Gittenberger in Basteria 77 (1/3).
Corrections and additions by page
p.A1 - The figure showing the simplified method of counting the whorls (taken from Welter-Schultes 2010) should be revised. A ferussaciid should be added. Counting the aperture as "1" results in one whorl in addition to the method used by Kerney et al. 1983.
p.3 - Introduction. The statement "not included are several hundred species of the Hydrobioidea and related groups" refers not only to the present book, but also to the above given number of 2140 mollusc species living in Europe.
p.7 - Map "Accuracy of the mollusc record by countries": the province of Lecce in S Italy was painted white, this was incorrect and should have been marked in black. For the range maps I did analyse the detailed monograph by Ferreri et al. 2005.
I did not consult the following works because I had no access to them (or did not know that they existed, these works are nowhere listed in a general bibliography and it requires decades of experience to know all of them): Albuquerque de Matos 2004 (Portugal, a recent catalogue), Altonaga et al. 1994 (northern Spain, with range maps), Bech 1990 (Catalonia, with range maps), Castagnolo et al. 1980 (Italy, freshwater), Girod et al. 1980 (Italy, freshwater), Gittenberger et al. 1998 (Netherlands, freshwater), Giusti & Pezzoli 1980 (Italy, freshwater), Lisický 1991 (Slovakia, with range maps), Piechocki 1979 (Poland, gastropods), Piechocki & Dyduch-Falniowska 1993 (Poland, bivalves), Riedel 1988 (Poland), Steenberg 1911 (Denmark), Mandahl-Barth & Bondesen 1949 (Denmark).
Albuquerque de Matos, R. M. 2004. Non-marine testaceous Gastropoda of continental Portugal and Berlengas islands. I. Catalogue and bibliography. - Arquivos de Museu Bocage (Nova Série) 4 (1): 1-158.
Altonaga, K., Gómez, B., Martín, R., Prieto, C. E., Puente, A. I. & Rallo, A. 1994. Estudio faunístico y biogeográfico de los moluscos terrestres del norte de la Península Ibérica. - pp. 1-503. Vitoria-Gasteiz. (Parlamento Vasco).
Bech, M. 1990. Fauna malacològica de Catalunya. Mol·luscs terrestres i d'aigua dolça. - pp. 1-229. Barcelona.
Castagnolo, L., Franchini, D. & Giusti, F. 1980. Guide per il riconoscimento delle specie animali delle acque interne italiane. 10. Bivalvi (Bivalvia). - pp. 1-64. Verona.
Girod, A., Bianchi, I. & Mariani, M. 1980. Guide per il riconoscimento delle specie animali delle acque interne italiane. 7. Gasteropodi, 1 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata; Prosobranchia: Neritidae, Viviparidae, Bithyniidae, Valvatidae). - pp. 1-86. Verona.
Gittenberger, E., Janssen, A. W., Kuiper, W. J., Kuiper, J. G. J., Meijer, T., Van der Velde, G. & De Vries, J. N. 1998. Nederlandse fauna 2. De Nederlandse zoetwatermollusken. Recente en fossiele weekdieren uit zoet en brak water. - pp. 1-288. Leiden, Utrecht.
Giusti, F. & Pezzoli, E. 1980. Guide per il riconoscimento delle specie animali delle acque interne italiane. 8. Gasteropodi, 2 (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Hydrobioidea, Pyrguloidea). - pp. 1-67. Verona.
Lisický, M. J. 1991. Mollusca Slovenska. - pp. 1-341. Bratislava. (Vydavatel'stvo Slovenskej Akadémie Vied).
Mandahl-Barth, G. & Bondesen, P. 1949. Danmarks Fauna 54. Bløddyr III. Ferskvandsbløddyr. - pp. 1-249. København. (Gads).
Piechocki, A. 1979. Fauna Słodkowodna Polski 7. Mięczaki (Mollusca) Ślimaki (Gastropoda). - pp. 1-187. Warszawa, Poznań.
Piechocki, A. & Dyduch-Falniowska, A. 1993. Fauna Słodkowodna Polski 7A. Mięczaki (Mollusca) Małże (Bivalvia). - pp. 1-204. Warszawa.
Riedel, A. 1988. Katalog fauny Polski. Catalogus faunae Poloniae. Część XXXVI, tom. 1. Ślimaki lądowe. Gastropoda terrestria. - pp. 1-315, 1 map. Warszawa.
Steenberg, C. M. 1911. Danmarks Fauna 10. Bløddyr I. Landsnegle. - pp. 1-221. København. (Gads).
p. 8 - Pictures of Anodonta cygnea: Shell No. 3 (from Krummbek, Germany) was not correctly identified and belongs to Anodonta anatina. The other two figures (from Austria) were correctly determined.
p. 10 - Pictures of Potomida littoralis: All 3 pictures represent Margaritifera auricularia and are correctly shown on p. 9. This is a serious mistake on p. 10 (connection with an incorrect file name). The correct pictures for Potomida littoralis should have been these Potomida littoralis pictures shown at AnimalBase. The given locality (Guadalquivír near Córdoba) corresponds to the AnimalBase pictures and not to the incorrect pictures shown in the book on p. 10.
p. 15 - Red List status of Unio tumidus: Endangered in Spain should be deleted. This was based on Gómez Moliner et al. 2001 and referred to another species.
p. 17 - Synonyms of Unio mancus: Unio moquinianus Dupuy, 1843 in Dupuy 1843: 80 [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified.
p. 17 - Synonyms of Dreissena rostriformis: Dreissena bugensis Andrusov, 1897 in Andrusov 1897: 285 [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified, original spelling was Dreissensia bugensis.
p. 17 - Type species designation of Mytilopsis: this was not by Dall 1898: 808, but should have been by Stoliczka 1871, Cretaceous fauna of southern India 3: 367. This earlier type designation was given in the Index Rocroi. I have not verified the 1871 source.
p. 18 - Type species of Pisidium: this is not Tellina amnica Müller, 1774, fixed under the plenary powers (the ICZN in Opinion 336 assumed subsequent designation of this nominal species by Gray 1847: 185, this was incorrect), but the entry should be: Type species Cyclas obtusalis Lamarck, 1818, subsequent designation by Anton 1839: 14. The normal application of the Code must be followed (Art. 80.6.2).
p. 18 - Comment in Pisidium: A more recent record for Pisidium annandalei in Greece was published by Dyduch-Falnioska in 1989, which confirmed Kuiper's 1981 statements. This means that this species should be listed.
Dyduch-Falniowska, A. 1989. Remarks on the Sphaeriidae of Greece (Mollusca, Bivalvia). - Basteria 53 (1/3): 15-18.
p. 20 - Distribution of Pisidium lilljeborgii: This species has not been recorded from the Netherlands.
p. 21 - Synonyms of Pisidium nitidum: Pisidium edlaueri Kuiper, 1960 in Kuiper 1960: [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified, page number was p. 224.
p. 22 - Photo of Pisidium pseudosphaerium: Shell figures 3 and 4 do probably not represent this species.
p. 23 - Distribution of Pisidium teuilineatum: This species has only once been recorded from the Netherlands, never in the northern parts of the Natherlands. The light shade in such maps indicates that reliable records have not been published.
p. 26 - Type species of Theodoxus: the current allocation of the type species T. lutetianus must have parentheses: Theodoxus fluviatilis (Linnæus, 1758).
p. 28 - Synonyms of Theodoxus fluviatilis: Theodoxus velox Anistratenko, 1999 in Anistratenko et al. 1999: [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified, page number was p. 17.
The original source was this one:
Anistratenko, O. Yu., Starobogatov, Ya. I. & Anistratenko, V. V. 1999. Mollyuski roda Theodoxus (Gastropoda, Pectinibranchia, Neritidae) Azovo-Chernomorskogo bassejna. - Vestnik Zoologii 33 (3): 11-19.
p. 35 - Nomenclature of Melanopsis praemorsa: The name etrusca as mentioned by Brot 1862 was equipped with a very cryptic description "v. min." = var. minor, and was validated under Art. 11.6.1 by Westerlund 1886.
p. 35 - Nomenclature of Esperiana: Hohenwarthiana was incorrect, should read Hohenwartiana.
p. 36 - Type species designation of Microcolpia: Melanopsis acicularis was correct, subsequent designation not by Wenz 1938: 691 - the first valid type designation was published by Cossmann 1909, Essais de Paléoconchologie Comparée 8: 158.
p. 39 - Distribution of Heleobia stagnorum: This species has probably not been reliably recorded from Poland, but reliably once in two records from Germany (Hingston 1991). In the maps it should be considered that in such small species not every locality in Germany has been thoroghly surveyed until today by specialists, and that the main result provided by Hingston 1991 was that he showed that the species was actually found to live in Germany. Such a study can probably not be taken as evidence that this small species would not live anywhere else along German coasts. In the contrary, it can be expected at other Germany localities with some probability. The blurry design of the maps incorporates this thought. This applies to all species.
Hingston, M. 1991. A new German population of "Hydrobia stagnorum" (Gmelin, 1791). - Schriften zur Malakozoologie 4: 26.
p. 39 - Figures of Heleobia stagnorum: Shells 1, 2, 6 and 8 do not belong to this species, but to Hydrobia ventrosa. The locality should be spelled Zierikzee.
p. 40 - Figures of Hydrobia ventrosa: Shells 6 and 8 do not belong to this species, but to Potamopyrgus antipodarum. The locality should be spelled Zierikzee.
p. 40 - Original source of Potamopyrgus: Stimpson 1865: 49 was incorrect, this source (Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 7 (201)) was from 30 Aug 1865. The correct reference was Stimpson 1865 American Journal of Conchology 1 (1)): 49, from 25 February 1865. The corresponding reference was this one:
Stimpson, W. 1865. Diagnoses of newly discovered genera of gasteropods, belonging to the sub-fam. Hydrobiinæ, of the family Rissoidæ. - American Journal of Conchology 1 (1): 52-54.
p. 40 - Original spelling of Potamopyrgus antipodarum: the name had originally been spelled antipodanum on p. 241 and antipodarum on p. 248. This was overlooked. Gray 1850: 169 mentioned the spelling antipodarum and thus acted as First Reviser (Art. 24.2.4).
p. 41 - Type species of Lithoglyphus: the information in the table cell was cut off by the Word program, this had to do with the problems explained on p. 629 (program bugs, it was not possible to see this on the screen). The type species should read Paludina naticoides Pfeiffer, 1828, and the subsequent designation was by Herrmannsen 1846 (25-5-1847): 612. In the Index Rocroi (MNHN Paris) the name Lithoglyphus is attributed to Pfeiffer, 1828, type species Paludina fusca Pfeiffer, 1828 by monotypy. I regard this interpretation as tenable, I just do not know if this has influence on the usage for L. naticoides (it would be good to know more about the identity of P. fusca).
p. 56 - Type species designation of the genus Physa: subsequent designation by Children 1823 [Quart. J. Sci. Lit. Arts 15]: 243 [not verified] - this type designation has in the meantime been verified, the entry should read: subsequent designation by [Children] 1823: 243.
The original source was this one:
[Children, J. G.] 1823. Lamarck's genera of shells. - The Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and the Arts 15: 216-258.
For the classification (Physa / Physella) I should have mentioned two recent Physidae revisions:
. Taylor, D. W. 2003. Introduction to Physidae (Gastropoda: Hygrophila); biogeography, classification, morphology. - Revista de Biología Tropical 51 (Suppl. 1): 1-287.
. Wethington, A. R. & Lydeard, C. 2007. A molecular phylogeny of Physidae (Gastropoda: Basommatophora) based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. - Journal of Molluscan Studies 73: 241-257.
Wethington & Lydeard 2007 proposed not to regard Physella as a separate genus.
p. 67 - Date of genus name Planorbarius Duméril, "1806": this should probably be 1805. The date of this part of Duméril's publication seems to have been 15 Nov 1805, following Index Rocroi (MNHN Paris, unpublished manuscript, 2012) and WoRMS (www.marinespecies.org, 05.2013). I do not know a published source that gives this date reliably. Nomenclator Zoologicus (www.ubio.org/NZ, 05.2013) and Fauna Europaea (www.faunaeur.org, 05.2013) gave 1806.
p. 70 - Original source of Otina ovata This name has in the meantime been verified, page should read p. [23].
p. 71 - Date of Ovatella firminii Payraudeau: this should be 1826, not 1827. The date 1827 was based on the unsubstantiated statement given by Falkner et al. 2002: 315 that a book review published in the Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de Géologie vol. 9 (from Nov 1826) was based on proofs. No details had been provided in 2002 to substantiate this hypothesis. Consequently the earliest date at which Payraudeau's work was shown in existence was 30 Nov 1826.
p. 75 - Comment concerning the original description of Acicula lineata: the information deserves an update: ICZN Opinion 2322 ruled that both names Bulimus lineatus Bruguière, 1789 (= currently Macroceramus lineatus; Urocoptidae) and Bulimus lineatus Draparnaud, 1801 (= currently Acicula lineata; Aciculidae) can be used for taxa, disregarding their primary homonymy.
ICZN 2013. Opinion 2322 (Case 3567). Bulimus lineatus Bruguière, 1789 (currently Macroceramus lineatus; Gastropoda, Urocoptidae) and Bulimus lineatus Draparnaud, 1801 (currently Acicula lineata; Gastropoda, Aciculidae): specific names conserved. - Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 70 (3): 210-211.
p. 81 - Comment under Platyla polita: Anistratenko 1998 did not list perpusilla as an independent species, but as a synonym of P. polita.
p. 85 - Genus presentation of Carychium: the sentence "This genus presentation was kindly checked by A. Jochum" was meant to indicate that she checked the composition of the species and suggested their classification. A. Jochum is a specialist for Carychiidae. Bank 2013: 20 suspected "It is likely that Welter-Schultes has never seen the internal lamellae of hellenicum and mariae...". This assumption was correct. The comment at the beginning of the Carychium chapter was meant to say that it was Jochum who studied these species and suggested the classification. I had no reason to believe that her judgement was unsubstantiated or untenable.
p. 89 - Shell dimensions of Truncatellina costulata: the diameter was incorrectly given as 0.5-0.6 mm, correct should be 0.8-0.9 mm. The error source was a manual copying mistake from extracting the values from Pokryszko 1990: 216; she had given 0.8-0.9 mm for the diameter and 0.5-0.6 mm for the height of the aperture.
p. 99 - Range map of Cochlostoma patulum: the distribution should include a larger portion of the Rhône valley.
p. 102 - Name and original combination of Cochlostoma tesselatum: the correct spelling of this name must be Cochlostoma tessellatum, its original combination was Cyclostoma tessellatum. This was a very serious mistake. There are many species where this name was originally spelled tesselatus, -a, -um, and which therefore must be cited in this orthography, but this was not such a case. Also in the index Rossmässler spelled the name tessellatum.
p. 104 - Texts for Pomatias elegans: 9 mistakes in 20 lines of English text, not a bad average. Morphology: pattern "by" whitish flames should read "of", "producing" instead of "provoking", last statement should read "angular tip of aperture and calcareous operculum pointed". Ecology: "survive" instead of "suvive", "disintegrating" instead of "desintegrating", "cellulose" instead of "cellulosis". Threats: "insecticides, herbicides and fungicides" instead of "insectizides, herbizides and fungizides".
p. 105 - Picture of Tudorella mauretanica from Portugal: the Portuguese population did not represent this species, but possibly Tudorella sulcata or another species (Martínez-Ortí & Arrébola in volume 2 of Atlas y Libro Rojo de los Invertebrados Amenazados de España (Especies Vulnerables): 1226).
p. 110 - Type species designation of Ferussacia: the type species Ferussacia gronoviana was designated by Nevill 1881: 664.
Nevill, G. 1881. On the anatomy of Ferussacia gronoviana, Risso, from Mentone. - Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1880 (4): 662-666, Pl. LXIV [= 64].
p. 113 - Original source of Hypnophila: the source Bourguignat 1860: 102 was the monograph "Aménités malacologiques", which appeared probably after the publication in the journal (Dance 1969: 87; the dates were not given in the monograph). The correct citation of the original source should be: Bourguignat 1858: 530, the corresponding reference should be this one:
Bourguignat, J. R. 1858. Aménités malacologiques. - Revue et Magasin de Zoologie pure et appliquée (2) 10: 527-545. Paris.
p. 113 - Type species designation of Hypnophila: the type species Bulimus pupaeformis was designated by Nevill 1881: 665.
Nevill, G. 1881. On the anatomy of Ferussacia gronoviana, Risso, from Mentone. - Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1880 (4): 662-666, Pl. LXIV [= 64].
p. 119 - Morphology of Poiretia delesserti: ditalata should read dilatata.
p. 120 - After Poiretia dilatata: should be inserted one more species: Sardopoiretia emanueli Bodon, Nardi, Braccia & Cianfanelli, 2010 (and also the corresponding genus).
p. 120 - Range map of Columella columella: the indicated isolated population in Kiev could have been based on a misidentification and its identity should be verified (I. Balashov, e-mail, 2013).
p. 126 - Range map of Vertigo geyeri: no recently confirmed records from Ukraine.
p. 127 - Range map of Vertigo moulinsiana: possibly not in Russia and Belarus (possibly V. lilljeborgi there), not in Odessa region of Ukraine.
p. 144 - Range map of Orcula dolium: no recent reports from Ukraine (Balashov & Gural-Sverlova 2012).
p. 144 - Picture of the live animal of Orcula gularis by Jan Steger: this was not O. gularis, but Orcula pseudodolium. Both species look very much alike and cannot be distinguished from this photo. O. gularis does not occur at the locality (Hoher Nock near Feichtauhütte).
p. 145 - Original combination of Orcula pseudodolium: this should read Orcula gularis forma pseudodolium.
p. 146 - Original combination of Orcula tolminensis: this should read Orcula gularis forma tolminensis.
p. 151 - Range map of Pagodulina pagodula: no recent reports from Ukraine (Balashov & Gural-Sverlova 2012).
p. 151 - Morphology of Pagodulina pagodula: relativley should read relatively.
p. 152 - Comment below original source of Pagodulina sparsa: it was overlooked that Pilsbry established this name expressly as a new replacement name (p. 171: "new name"; explained on p. 172) for Pupa (Pagodulina) pagodula var. obliqua Westerlund, 1887, not Pupa obliqua Nevill, 1880.
Pupa (Pagodulina) pagodula var. obliqua Westerlund, 1887 in Westerlund 1887: 91 (not Pupa obliqua Nevill, 1880... still to be researched where this name was published).
p. 157 - Original source of Abida occidentalis: Pupa occidentalis Fagot, 1888 in Fagot 1887-1888: 194 [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified. P. 194 was correct and corresponded to p. 25 in the separate.
p. 159 - Type species of Chondrina: from what I have seen in the xerox copy of the page of the original description in MNHN Paris, this name was expressly established as a new replacement name for Chondrus Cuvier, 1816 (type species Bulimus zebra Olivier, 1801 by subsequent designation by Gray 1847). This means that both names are objective synonyms. If no type species was subsequently designated for Chondrina before 1847, then B. zebra is the currently correct type for Chondrina and the case should be submitted to the ICZN Commission to set aside B. zebra and designate as type under the plenary powers Bulimus avenaceus. This is the only option to save the usage of Chondrina. However for such an application it is necessary to see the entire publication by Reichenbach 1828. This is a very rare work, libraries have difficulties in citing a uniform title. Another option could be to suppress this work and to take Chondrina from Reichenbach 1836: 152 (where one species was contained, Bulimus avenaceus) but also this work is extremely rare and I have never seen it.
p. 159 - Range map of Chondrina arcadica: no recent reports from Ukraine except Carpathians and Crimean mountains (Balashov & Gural-Sverlova 2012). Probably not in Moldova.
p. 160 - Comment below Chondrina ascendens: the expression "following Bourguignat 1864" as reference for the selected classification of the taxa gerhardi and falkneri was too much simplified and provoked misunderstandings. It should have said "following the classification of Bourguignat 1864 who regarded these forms as conspecific with those forms which later obtained the name ascendens Westerlund, 1878". Not the classification, but the taxonomic conclusions by Bourguignat 1864 should be maintained.
p. 169 - Date of Rupestrella philippii: should say 1841, not 1840, also in the original source.
p. 173 - Picture of Brephulopsis subulata: this shell did not represent B. subulata but B. bidens. The aperture in B. subulata should be simple without teeth and with a sharp margin, the shell diameter should be 2.5-3 mm and not 4 mm. B. subulata differs from B. bidens and B. cylindrica/fusiformis in its smaller size and its thin and slightly translucent apertural margin.
p. 173 - Synonymy of Buliminus: Bulimina: after "Gasterpoda" should be inserted "[sic]".
p. 178 - Synonym of Chondrula tridens: Bulimus albolimbatus Pfeiffer, 1859 in L. Pfeiffer 1859: 129 should read Bulimus albolimbatus Pfeiffer, 1848 in L. Pfeiffer 1848: 129.
p. 179 - Original sources of Chondrus zebrula: page number of the original description of Bulimus zebra was p. 225, [atlas] p. vij and Pl. 17 fig. 10.
p. 187 - Original source of Mastus grandis: Expressly established as a new replacement name for Bulimus reversalis var. grandis Bielz, 1860, not Bulimus tridens var. grandis Bielz, 1853. Difficult to understand: Kimakowicz 1890 explained that Bielz had given to Dentist. (Chondrulus) eximius a name Bul. grandis, so for the present species the name grandis as used by Westerlund 1887: 16 (= Bulimus reversalis var. grandis Bielz, 1860) could not be used. D. eximius was presented on p. 95.
Synonym: Bulimus tridens var. grandis Bielz, 1853 in Bielz 1853: 119.
p. 187 - Original sources of Mastus emarginatus: Font size of T in Type locality should be corrected.
p. 188 - Dimensions of Mastus etuberculatus: Should read 11-17 x 6-7 mm, according to the table given by Heller 1976: 382.
p. 194 - Original source of Multidentula ovularis: page number of the original description of Bulimus ovularis was p. 225, [atlas] p. vij and Pl. 18 Fig. 12.
p. 196 - Name, current genus and range map of Paramastus goettingi Forcart, 1961: the results of Hausdorf 1999 were not considered, where a new genus was proposed for this species, and a senior synonym was discovered (also overlooked by Schütt 2001):
Hausdorf, B. 1999. A new genus of the Buliminidae from Turkey (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora). - Journal of Natural History 33: 149-154.
Its current genus should be Megalena Hausdorf, 1999, established in Hausdorf 1999: 150, type species Buliminus crassus Retowski, 1887, by original designation.
The current name of the species should be Megalena crassa (Retowski, 1887).
Original combination: Buliminus crassus Retowski, 1887 in Retowski 1887: 26.
Range map: Next to findings in Vilayet Bolu (Abant Gölü region) Hausdorf 1999 indicated also one locality in Vilayet Zonguldak at the northern coast.
p. 201 - Original source of Zebrina fasciolata: page number of the original description of Bulimus fasciolatus was not 415, Pl. 17, but p. 416 and [atlas] p. vij and Pl. 17 fig. 5.
p. 203 - Type designation of Paralaoma: This should read "by Iredale 1937: 313."
Morphology of Paralaoma servilis: should be added "very finely spirally striated".
p. 207 - Comments on Vallonia suevica: the publication by Rähle 2001 was overlooked, where Gerber's 1996 information on V. suevica was updated and Vallonica alamannica Geyer, 1908 (considered as teratological of V. suevica by Gerber 1996) was morphologically distinguished and regarded as a separate species (based on 3 specimens found among more than 1000 vallonias near Freudenstadt). Molecular studies were announced, so this issue is still under research.
Rähle, W. 2011. Bemerkenswerte Vallonien-Funde im Naturschutzgebiet "Wertwiesen" bei Horb am Neckar (Landkreis Freudenstadt, Baden-Württemberg). - Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 86: 1-5.
p. 208 - Type designation of Euconulus: Baker 1922: 50 is incorrect. Correct should be Pilsbry & Ferriss 1910: 131.
p. 209 - Authorship of Pyramidula chorismenostoma: (Westerlund & Blanc, 1879) is incorrect. Correct should be (Blanc, 1879). The name was attributed to Blanc, the Latin diagnosis was attributed to Westerlund, the French text with some descriptive items was by both co-authors ("nous"). Under Art. 50.1 the authorship for the description is irrelevant. In a co-authored work the name must be attributed to the co-author of the work who was made responsible for the name.
p. 210 - Original source of Pyramidula umbilicata: Bulla umbilicata Montagu, 1803 (in Montagu 1803: 222) was not the original name of this species. This was a marine species, currently known as Cylichnina umbilicata (Montagu, 1803) (Retusidae). Also the comment (in which I cited Opinion 549 from 1959) referred to the marine species. The correct original name for the Pyramidula species should have been Helix umbilicata Montagu, 1803 (in Montagu 1803: 434).
p. 215 - Distribution of Discus ruderatus: delete W Canada. This was not based on a published resource. The Canadian populations belong probably to a different species.
p. 221 - Range map of Agathylla abrupta: not in all parts of southern Dalmatia (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013).
p. 223 - Range map of Agathylla lamellosa: not in all parts of the southern Dalmatian coast (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013).
p. 223 - Range map of Agathylla narentana: not in all parts of the southern Dalmatian coast, only at two localities (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013).
p. 225 - Range map of Alopia bielzii: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "A. b. clathrata obviously unknown to the author".
Yes, unknown. H. Nordsieck seemed to indicate that as a result of this the range map was incomplete. Needs more literature research.
p. 227 - Distribution and range map of Alopia glauca: no recent reports from Ukraine (Balashov & Gural-Sverlova 2012). H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "incorrect within RO, not in Ukraine".
p. 227 - Picture of Alopia glauca: the shells represented probably a different species, Alopia canescens (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). I cannot judge this.
p. 231 - Picture of Herilla durmitoris: the shells represented probably a different species, Herilla bosniensis (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). I cannot judge this.
p. 231 - Nomenclature of Herilla bosniensis: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "Herilla bosniensis Zelebor 1868, not L. Pfeiffer".
Pfeiffer's authorship was probably correct. A comment should be added to explain the authorship:
"Name was attributed to Zelebor, one part of the description (shell morphology) was also attributed to Zelebor, another part of the description (diameter and height of the shell, diameter and height of the aperture) were added by Pfeiffer (based on material of Pfeiffer's shell collection). Under Art. 50.1.1 the name must be attributed to Pfeiffer alone because Zelebor was not alone responsible for both the name and the description (the name would also have been made available if Zelebor's part of the description was removed)."
p. 233 - Nomenclature of Medora agnata: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "Medora agnata L. Pfeiffer 1842, not L. Pfeiffer 1848".
The correct date was probably 1848, so my information seemed to have been correct. However I should have explained the date in a comment:
"The name was previously mentioned by Pfeiffer 1842: 137 at two occasions in a list of names, once in a form "agnata Partsch. (C. albescens Z.)" and once as "albescens Z. Rm. IV. 14 v. agnata. (Ant.)". At both occasions agnata seems to have been treated as a synonym, but not of an available name used by Pfeiffer 1842 (the abbreviation "v." was meant to say "vel" (= or), not "var."; the narrow type used for "albescens" at the second occasion indicated that Pfeiffer did not regard this name as a name to be used for a taxon in the sense of Art. 11.6, such names were formatted in broad type). Because the conditions of Art. 11.6 were not met, agnata can probably not have been made available under Art. 11.6.1 at that occasion."
p. 233 - Range map of Medora agnata: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "range much larger".
I cannot improve the map based on this information alone. More literature research is necessary. I did not find constraints for a larger range in the literature I had consulted.
p. 234 - Picture of Medora eris: the shells represented probably a different species, Medora macascarensis (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). I cannot judge this.
p. 235 - Range map of Medora lesinensis: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "not on Hvar!, occurring in MNE". (MNE = Montenegro).
The type locality was obviously not in Lesina (= Hvar), the name-bearing types did probably not come from there and the name seems to be inappropriate (Brusina 1881: 247). The species seems to occur near Kotor in Montenegro. The range map was totally incorrect. This was found out by the Naturamediterraneo community (http://www.naturamediterraneo.com/forum, Feb 2013).
p. 236 - Range map of Medora stenostoma: range should be smaller, only near Biokovo (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013).
p. 235 - Range map of Triloba sandrii: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "not in MNE, but occurring in MK". (MNE = Montenegro, MK = Republic of Makedonija).
So in the map the occurrence in Montenegro should be removed, and in Republic of Makedonija the species should occur somewhere (perhaps along the Albanian border?).
p. 238 - Life cycle of genus Albinaria: To avoid misunderstandings this period lasts about one week should be replaced by this mating period lasts about one week.
p. 248 - Picture of Albinaria freytagi: the shells represented possibly a different species, Albinaria caerulea (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). I have not verified this determination. The description is in agreement with the figure. I did not understand the differences between both species.
p. 249 - Picture of Albinaria grisea: the shells represented possibly a different species, Albinaria petrosa (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). It was however not explained in which sense Nordsieck used the name petrosa in 2013.
p. 256 - Range map of Albinaria maculosa (= schuchii): H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "not in whole of western central Greece and Epirus".
The range should probably be smaller than I indicated in the map. I did not find exact information in the distribution of this species.
p. 259 - Picture of Albinaria myrensis: the shells represented a different species, Albinaria alajana (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013).
I agree with Nordsieck's view. This was also clear from the locality (Side is far outside the range of A. myrensis), and so this was a serious mistake.
p. 259 - Range map of Albinaria nivea: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "not in whole of southern Peloponnese".
The range should probably be smaller than I indicated in the map. I did not find exact information in the distribution of this species.
p. 261 - Picture of Albinaria petrosa: the shells of figures No. 10 and 11 (from Museum Budapest HNHM) represented a different species, Idyla bicristata (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). I agree with Nordsieck's view.
p. 263 - Original source of Albinaria retusa: page number of the original description of Bulimus retusus was p. 416, [atlas] p. vij and Pl. 17 fig. 2.
p. 269 - Original source of Albinaria teres: page number of the original description of Bulimus teres was p. 417, [atlas] p. vij and Pl. 17 fig. 6.
p. 269 - Original source of Albinaria torticollis: page number of the original description of Bulimus torticollis was p. 416, [atlas] p. vij and Pl. 17 fig. 4.
p. 271 - Range of Albinaria wettsteini: the range map depicts the wrong island, this should be Ofidousa south of Schinousa in Kiklades. There are two islands Ofidousa in the Aegean Sea, one south of Schinousa in Kiklades, another one west of Astipalea in Dodekanisa.
p. 272 - Comment under the genus Isabellaria: for (inclusing sikeensis) read (including sikeensis). The name sikeensis was overlooked in the alphabetic index. This was noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013.
p. 275 - Picture of Isabellaria riedeli: the shells represented a different species, Idyla bicristata (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). I agree with Nordsieck's view.
p. 278 - Picture of Sericata calabacensis: the shells represented very probably a different species, Albinaria hians (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). The determination was uncertain anyway. This was confirmed.
p. 279 - Picture of Sericata parnassia: the shells represented probably a different species, Isabellaria perplana (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). I cannot judge this.
p. 282 - Picture of Carinigera haussknechti: the shells represented a different species, Idyla bicristata (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). I agree with Nordsieck's view.
p. 287 - Picture of Euxina hetaera: the shells represented a different species, Bulgarica denticulata (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). I agree with Nordsieck's view.
p. 287 - Range map of Galeata schwerzenbachii: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "incorrect within BG".
Without more precise information about the exact range of this species in Bulgaria I cannot improve the map. It seems that previous reports of this species in the literature were based on incorrect information, but this incorrectness was probably never explained in a subsequently published source. If yes, then I have overlooked it.
p. 294 - Type designation of Charpentieria: Type was designated by Kennard & Woodward 1923: 306.
p. 294 - Range map of Charpentieria clavata: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "not east of Garda lake".
I took the information on the range of this species from Cossignani & Cossignani 1995 who showed a broad range. I did not find precise information on this species east of Garda lake. This supports Nordsieck's comment.
p. 296 - Range map of Clausilia bidentata: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "also distributed in northwestern E and P".
I cited Nordsieck 2002: 36 who had reported the species from S Portugal and N Spain. The map should have been designed accordingly. I agree with Nordsieck's comment.
p. 298 - Nomenclature of Clausilia whateliana: H. Nordsieck (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013) gave the following comment: "Clausilia whateliana Charpentier in Strobel 1850 (name and description by Charpentier (art. 50.1.1. ICZN), Strobel's improved description is not that of a new species)."
I do probably not agree with Nordsieck's conclusion that Charpentier must be the author of the new name (but I am currently (01.2013) not able to consult once again the original source to verify Nordsieck's detailed argument). I checked the original source on 22 Aug 2012. I noted that next to Charpentier's description an additional diagnosis and additional descriptive remarks were written by Strobel, so both authors contributed to the description of the new name. Under Art. 50.1.1 the authorship must be attributed to the author of the work, Strobel, because Charpentier was not alone responsible for both the name and the description.
In other words, if Charpentier's description is removed, the name would probably have been made available with Strobel's notes alone. This needs to be checked again.
p. 300 - Range map of Cochlodina fimbriata: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "incorrect within I and F".
I cannot improve the map based on this information alone. More literature research seems to be necessary, but even if this is done it would be difficult to detect hidden misidentifications and remove parts of the range.
p. 302 - Nomenclature of Cochlodina marisi: H. Nordsieck (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013) gave the following comment: "Cochlodina marisi Bielz 1861, not L. Pfeiffer 1868".
Nordsieck's comment was justified.
I did not know before that Bielz 1861: 186 had mentioned the name as "Clausilia transsilvanica synonym Clausilia Marisi A. Schmidt". This was a new discovery, never known before, highlighting once again the problematic situation I explained on p. 6 in the introduction that since 2000 Art. 11.6.1 has created a continuous source of nomenclatural instability, in that every year new old synonyms are discovered, names obtain older dates and eventually different identities and other types. This would now also apply to this species. The nomenclatural comment should now be modified:
"Pfeiffer 1868: 406 gave a description and a reference to "A. Schmidt (teste Bielz 1863) Clausil. p. 28" (?, not Schmidt 1857: 28). Previously mentioned as "Clausilia transsilvanica synonym Clausilia Marisi A. Schmidt" by Bielz 1861: 186, with description. First used as a name as Clausilia (Clausiliastra (Marpessa)) Marisi by Pfeiffer & Clessin 1881: 369 with bibliographical reference to Pfeiffer 1868: 406, making Pfeiffer's 1868 synonym marisi available under Art. 11.6.1. For those who require a bibliographical reference for making available a synonym under Art. 11.6.1, the name must be attributed to Pfeiffer, 1868. For the others, to Bielz, 1861."
The authorship "Pfeiffer, 1868" given in the book stands, because I belong to those who do require a bibliographical reference. Nordsieck belongs to the others, so for him the authorship "Bielz, 1861" is correct.
p. 303 - Date of Cochlodina triloba: I had given authorship and date as "Boettger, 1878". H. Nordsieck (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013) gave the date 1877, without explaning why.
The date 1878 was probably correct.
The source I had cited (Jahrb. DMG 5: 34) was published on 01 January 1878, as specified on the wrapper of Heft 1 which was preserved in the Smithsonian copy (p. [575] in the digitised version, here). This was noted in my book on p. 632 and probably overlooked by Nordsieck. I have not found the name published in another source in 1877.
p. 303 - Range map of Cochlodina triloba: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "wrong, C. liburnica included?".
C. liburnica was obviously included. This was in contrast to my statement on p. 299 that I adopted Nordsieck's 2007: 52 list for the species composition of the genus Cochlodina. Wagner 1919 had classified liburnica as a subspecies of triloba. I do currently (01.2013) not understand why I did not recognise Cochlodina liburnica as a separate species, but since I did not indicate this precisely in the book it is possible that I overlooked it. The range map was based on recent local publications, perhaps I found liburnica classified within C. triloba in recent Croatian and Slovenian publications, and in collection material.
If nothing else interferes the two taxa should be separated, Cochlodina liburnica recognised as a separate species as proposed by Nordsieck 2007, and the range maps should be designed accordingly.
p. 305 - Picture of Delima blanda: the shells of figures 1-5 did not represent Delima blanda blanda, but Delima blanda conspurcata (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). It is difficult to verify this identification because the morphological properties of the so-called subspecies were nowhere precisely explained, neither were their exact ranges. The indicated locality near Zadar was located in the transitional zone between both so-called subspecies. This needs to be worked out better.
p. 309 - Range map of Delima substricta: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "location of Smokvica wrong".
This referred probably to the small island of Smokvica (not to the village on Korcula island), the easternmost island of the four very small islands located south of the bigger islands inside the marked range of the species. So this small island should be removed from the range.
p. 308 - Morphology of Delima semirugata: conspurcata should read blanda.
p. 309 - Comment under the genus Dilataria: I missed to mention Clausilia bosnica Brancsik, 1897 and Clausilia pirostoma Boettger, 1878 among the questionable species (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013, "missing species"). H. Nordsieck provided temporary internet pages around 2007 (out of service since 2010) with attempts of a revision, but I have not seen any published results of such studies. The range map of Dilataria marcki (p. 310) suffered from the same problems.
p. 310 - Nomenclature of Dilataria marcki: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "Dilataria marcki Zelebor 1868, not L. Pfeiffer".
Pfeiffer's authorship was probably correct. A comment should be added to explain the authorship:
"Name was attributed to Zelebor, one part of the description (shell morhology) was also attributed to Zelebor, another part of the description (diameter and height of the shell, diameter and height of the aperture) were added by Pfeiffer (based on material of Pfeiffer's shell collection). Under Art. 50.1.1 the name must be attributed to Pfeiffer alone because Zelebor was not alone responsible for both the name and the description (the name would also have been made available if Zelebor's part of the description was removed)."
p. 311 - Comment under Euxinella subaii: The statement that establishing the same specific name in different genera of the same family would not be allowed in botany, was incorrect. The botanical Code does not have such a regulation.
p. 312 - Range map of Julica schmidtii: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "incorrect within Friuli".
It is not possible to improve the map based on this information alone. I took the information on the range of this species in NE Italy from Cossignani & Cossignani 1995 who showed a broad range. This was probably incorrect.
p. 314 - Distribution of Leucostigma candidescens: This species was also introduced to S France, it lives in the Arena of Nîmes.
p. 322 - Range map of Macrogastra densestriata: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "not in western North Tyrol and Italy".
In the comment I had explained the difficulties resulting from too many unreliable determinations in the literature. Only an expert can distinguish correct and incorrect determinations. So it seems that the published reports for Italy were incorrect. This explains why I found no reports for Slovenia. If the species occurred in NE Italy, I would also expect it to occur in Slovenia. In the range map western North Tyrol and Italy should be removed.
p. 323 - Picture of Macrogastra mellae: the shells represented probably a different species, Macrogastra attenuata (as noted on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). I cannot judge this.
p. 323 - Range map of Macrogastra mellae: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "incorrect within Piedmont".
I cannot improve the map based on this information alone, but my analysis of the published references was probably too inaccurate. There should probably be a distributional gap in the northwestern section of the indicated range in Piemonte, not a continuous range.
p. 323 - Range map of Macrogastra plicatula: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "not in RO".
The many precisely given Romanian localities by Grossu 1981 seemed to refer to a different species.
p. 324 - Nomenclature of Macrogastra tumida: I had given authorship and date as Rossmässler, 1835. H. Nordsieck (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013) gave the following comment: "Macrogastra tumida Rossmässler 1836, not 1835 (tumida "Menke" sensu Rossmässler not identical with tumida "Ziegler"!)".
Rossmässler 1836 (in Rossmässler 1835-1837 (3): 21) wrote in a text passage under the desciption of Clausilia turgida:
"Ziegler hat neben ihnen [Clausilia elata, Cl. turgida] in seiner Sammlung noch eine dritte Art stehen, Cl. tumida Zgl., welche aber bei genauerer Untersuchung nicht hierher, sondern in die Sippschaft der Cl. ventricosa gehört, so dass hier der sonderbare Zufall eintritt, dass sie in dieselbe Formengruppe gehört, welcher Menke auch den Namen tumida gegeben hat (vergl[eiche]. Icon. I. p. 78. 2.)."
Nordsieck's comment was justified in that the name was not made available in 1835, and explained a crucial detail of the difficulties I had referred to in the comment. Ziegler's name and Menke's name referred to different taxa. Rossmässler 1836 used Ziegler's name for a taxon, but not necessarily Menke's name. Nordsieck's comment suggested that the present species Macrogastra tumida was not Menke's name, but Ziegler's name.
However, Ziegler's name was not equipped with a description at that occasion in 1836. So the name cannot be attributed to Rossmässler, 1836.
Under certain interpretations of Art. 11.6.1 the usage of Ziegler's name in 1836 made Menke's name available ("to adopt a name" refers only to the name, which was tumida - it is not demanded that the name must have been used for the same taxon at both occasions, 1835 and 1836), and the authorship must be attributed to Rossmässler in both cases. For those who require that the author who adopted a name must have had (subjectively) the same taxon in mind, Rossmässler 1836 did not adopt the 1835 name. For the others, yes.
I do currently not know which one should be the correct authorship and date for Macrogastra tumida. More nomenclatural research is necessary, the next subsequent sources must be consulted.
p. 325 (and p. 294 and Q41) - Subgroup classification of Mentissa: this genus was classified in the wrong subgroup. Instead of forming part of the all-others subgroup (not Turkey) the genus should have formed part of the Balea subgroup (and listed there on p. 355 after Laciniaria, and on p. Q43). This was noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013. I agree with Nordsieck's view.
p. 326 - Type designation of Montenegrina: Type was designated by Kennard & Woodward 1923: 307.
p. 329 - Range map of Montenegrina laxa: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "not in MNE".
This is difficult to understand. Was the type locality not in Montenegro? In the original description of Clausilia laxa Küster, 1861 was indicated "Dalmatia", I thought it was near Herceg-Novi or somewhere (in the 1860s this belonged to Dalmatia).
p. 330 - Picture of Montenegrina perstriata: the shells of figures 1-4 represented a different species, Montenegrina skipetarica (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). I agree with Nordsieck's view. The species had initially been labelled as M. perstriata skipetarica. It was only overlooked that M. skipetarica was a separate species.
p. 335 - Range map of Papillifera solida: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "not in Sicily".
I took Sicily from Cossignani & Cossignani 1995, which was obviously incorrect. I did not find other sources supporting Sicily. Sicily should be removed.
p. 340 - Range map of Siciliaria gibbula: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "not in Calabria, southeastern Puglia and Sicily".
I took these regions from Cossignani & Cossignani 1995, they were obviously incorrect. I did not find other sources supporting these regions. They should be removed.
p. 341 - Range map of Siciliaria kobeltiana: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "incorrect within Calabria, not in Basilicata".
I took the distribution of this species from Cossignani & Cossignani 1995, which was obviously incorrect or at least inaccurate. It is difficult to improve the map from Nordsieck's comment alone.
p. 342 - Range map of Siciliaria paestana: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "not in southern Calabria, southeastern Puglia and Sicily".
I took the distribution of this species mainly from Cossignani & Cossignani 1995, which was obviously inaccurate. Sicily was apparently my own idea. The regions specified by Nordsieck should be removed from the range.
p. 344 - Range map of Siciliaria vulcanica: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "not only Sicily".
By writing "range uncertain" I indicated that I did not know the published sources for an accurate map. Nordsieck's information is interesting, but cannot be taken to improve the map directly.
p. 346 - Range map of Balea pancici: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "location wrong".
I took the location from Pavlovic 1912. This should be verified again. Nordsieck's information cannot be directly used to improve the map. In any case the indication "Stara Planina" below the map contradicted the map (Stara Planina is the northern Bulgarian mountain chain that extends a little into Serbia).
p. 347 - Morphology of Balea perversa: Balea lucifuga should read Balea sarsii (two occasions).
p. 348 - New name Balea serbiana Welter-Schultes, 2012 (expressly established as a new replacement name): H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "Balea serbiana Welter-Schultes 2012 junior synonym of Pseudalinda golesnicensis A. J. Wagner 1914 (replacement name superfluous).
I can only agree with Nordsieck's view, the new replacement name was very probably superfluous (published sources supporting the synonymy should be given). And things like these were exactly the reason why I had asked to correct the Clausiliidae part of the book before it was published.
The correct name of the species must probably be Balea golesnicensis (Wagner, 1914). Its original combination was Alinda fallax golesnicensis Wagner, 1914.
p. 348 - Picture of Balea viridana: the shell of figures 6-8 could have represented a different species, Balea stabilis (as noticed on Nordsieck's corrections page at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). I cannot judge this. The two shells of fig. 1-8 were collected by J. Steffek at the same locality in Romania and are deposited in the collection of Jozef Grego.
p. 348 - Range map of Balea viridana: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "incorrect within RO".
As indicated among the references, I took the distribution from Grossu 1981: 207. It is not possible to improve the map from Nordsieck's comment alone. An expert's knowledge is necessary to determine where exactly Grossu's 1981 information was incorrect.
p. 349 - Comment under genus Bulgarica: H. Nordsieck (http://hnords.de, 01.2013) gave the following remark: "If anybody, as indicated by Welter-Schultes, has the glorious idea, to use for Bulgarica O. Boettger 1877 the name Strigillaria Vest 1867, he should consider that there is another synonym, Striolaria Bielz 1867, which has priority.".
I agree with Nordsieck's point. Nordsieck seemed to indicate that it would not be good to have such ideas. It would be better to start looking for ways to protect the usage of Bulgarica under the rules of the ICZN Code. Maybe under Art. 23.9.1.
p. 349 - Type designation of Bulgarica: Type was designated by Kennard & Woodward 1923: 304.
p. 350 - Name of Bulgarica bulgarica (Küster, 1860): the correct name of this species must probably be Bulgarica intricata (Mousson, 1859) (as indicated by H. Nordsieck at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). I can currently (01.2013) not judge this.
p. 351 - Range map of Bulgarica denticulata: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "incorrect within BG and GR".
It is not possible to improve the map from Nordsieck's comment alone. The Bulgarian range was taken from Damjanov & Likharev 1975: 213 and more recent Bulgarian sources (Irikov & Mollov 2006: 789, Hubenov 2007). I would need published references providing evidence for previous misidentifiations or incorrectly determined localities.
p. 351 - Original source of Bulgarica denticulata: page number of the original description of Bulimus denticulatus was p. 297, [atlas] p. vij and Pl. 17 Fig. 9.
p. 352 - Name of Bulgarica pygmaea (Möllendorff, 1873): the correct name of this species could be Bulgarica pavlovici Nordsieck, 1972 (as indicated by H. Nordsieck at http://hnords.de, 01.2013).
Clausilia pygmaea Möllendorff, 1873 is possibly preoccupied by another name Clausilia pygmaea Potiez & Michaud, 1838.
I have not verified the circumstances of that name established by Potiez & Michaud 1838. It was not listed by Sherborn 1922. This could indicate that we are once again dealing with a problem created by Art. 11.6.1, and that the correct name of the species could be Möllendorff's 1873 name. It would be useful to know on which page the name was mentioned in Potiez & Michaud 1838.
p. 353 - Range map of Bulgarica rugicollis: H. Nordsieck gave the following comment (at http://hnords.de, 01.2013): "not in BG".
The distribution in Bulgaria was taken from Damjanov & Likharev 1975: 207, for pagana. Hubenov 2007: 137 listed B.
rugicollis for the Central Balkan National Park with a question mark, indicating that the published record was uncertain and that no recent study was known. It would be good to have a published reference clarifying the situation, and to know which species lives there.
p. 355 - Name of Laciniaria potochensis Dedov & Neubert, 2006: the correct name of this species could be Laciniaria atanasovi (Urbanski, 1964) (as indicated by H. Nordsieck at http://hnords.de, 01.2013). I can currently (01.2013) not judge this.
p. 355 - Name of Laciniaria pseudostabilis (Westerlund, 1901): the correct name of this species should probably be Laciniaria exalta (Westerlund, 1878) (as indicated by H. Nordsieck at http://hnords.de, 01.2013, and www.faunaeur.org, 01.2013). I can currently (01.2013) not judge this.
p. 359 - last line: remove full stop after 264.
p. 361 - After Vitrea erjaveci: should be inserted one more species: Vitrea ernesti Riedel & Subai, 2004.
p. 376 - Type designation of Mediterranea Clessin, 1880: the type species Helix hydatina Rossmässler, 1838 was designated by Martens 1881: p. Moll. 75.
Martens, E. von 1881. Mollusca. - pp. Moll. 1-Moll. 125, in: Caldwell, E.: The zoological record for 1880; being volume seventeenth of the record of zoological literature. London. (Van Voorst).
Date of publication should have been Dec 1881 or shortly after, the date given in the preface.
p. 389 - Date of Oxychilus oglasicola: should say 1969, not 1968.
p. 398 - Range map of Aegopinella pura: probably not in southern Ukraine.
p. 402 - Range map of Zonitoides excavatus: Occurrences in central W Portugal and NW Spain were overlooked (Kobialka & Beckmann 2005).
p. 410 - Morphology of Paraegopis albanicus: exremely should read extremely.
p. 413 - Bibliographic references of Zonites graecus: Westerlund 1887 should read Westerlund 1886 (part I).
p. 419 - Distribution of Testacella maugei: this species lives also in E and S Spain (Zaldívar Ezquerro 2000, Martínez-Ortí & Robles 2003: 29).
p. 423 - Distribution of Carpathica cretica: this species lives also in Kos and Cyprus, possibly also Rodos. Ecology (from Vardinoyannis 1994): In shrublands and arable fields, Cupressus forests and lower alpine zones up to 2000 m.
p. 424 - Original source of Eucobresia nivalis: Vitrina nivalis Dumont & Mortillet, 1854 in Dumont & Mortillet 1852-1855: 209 [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified. P. 209 was the page number in the separate. The date March 1854 was indicated on p. 207, the correct author was not Charpentier. The journal was dated to 1854 (Falkner et al. 2002), so 31 Dec 1854, the separate takes precedence.
p. 427 - Spelling of Semilimacella bonelli: should be Semilimacella bonellii. First Reviser was Baker 1929 (Nautilus 42): 138 who selected bonellii and cited bonelli as a synonym (verified by G. Rosenberg, 06.2015).
p. 433 - Type species of the genus Tandonia: Limax marginatus Draparnaud, 1805 was incorrect. Correct must be Amalia marginata Lessona & Pollonera, 1882. This name was established as a deliberate employment of a misidentification as type species for a new subgenus (Art. 67.13).
Misidentification of Limax marginatus Müller, 1774, to which Draparnaud 1805: 124 referred. Draparnaud 1805 noted differences between his and Müller's taxon, and seemed to have regarded Müller's Limax marginatus as a different taxon. It would also be possible to regard Draparnaud's name as new from 1805.
p. 434 - Pictures of Tandonia budapestensis: Picture 3 from Soonwald does not show Tandonia, but Limax cinereoniger, the determination for the figured slug shells is uncertain (René Heim and Ulrich Schneppat, 06.2016).
p. 446 - Original source of Limax albipes: Limax lineatus var. albipes Dumont & Mortillet, 1853 in Dumont & Mortillet 1852-1855 (deuxième livraison): 69 [separate 194] [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified. The separate carried a date Feb 1854.
p. 447 - Map of Limax cinereoniger: This species does very probably not occur in Montenegro and Bulgaria.
p. 473 - Discussion of unclear names in the genus Arion: Arion atripunctatus Dumont & Mortillet, 1853 in Dumont & Mortillet 1852-1855: 177 (separate) (Arion cinctus var. atripunctatus) [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified. The original name should read Arion atripunctata, the original spelling Arion cinctus var. atripunctata. The page number in the journal volume should be researched and added.
p. 473 - Discussion of unclear names in the genus Arion: Arion vejdovskyi Babor & Koštal, the second co-author was misspelled and should read Košťál.
The page number p. 1 was also incorrect, correct should be p. 3.
p. 474 - Original source of Arion distinctus: Arion distinctus Mabille, 1868 in Mabille 1867-1869: 42 [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified.
p. 476 - Original source of Arion intermedius: Arion intermedius Arion intermedius Normand, 1852 in Normand 1852: 7 [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified. The correct page number was p. 6. The name was not established in the genus Limax.
p. 476 - Comment below Arion iratii: Castillejo 197: 87 - should read Castillejo 1997: 87.
p. 477 - Original source of Arion lusitanicus: Arion lusitanicus Mabille, 1868 in Mabille 1868 [Apr 1868]: 134 (Arion Lusitanicus) [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified, it was first established in the other source. The correct entry should read:
Arion lusitanicus Mabille, 1868 in Mabille 1867-1869 [01 Mar 1868]: 38 (Arion Lusitanicus)
Established in this source:
Mabille, J. 1867-1869. Archives malacologiques. - pp. 1-80. Paris. (Bouchard-Huzard).
p. 481 - Comment below Arion vulgaris: The statement that the name was not based on types was incorrect. The lost specimen figured on Pl. 1 by Moquin-Tandon belonged to the type series, as well as the specimens which were included by the author by citing the bibliographic reference of Linnæus 1758: 652 (Art. 72.4.1). There three references were cited (Linnæus 1746, Aldrovandi 1644, Lister 1678). The type locality was France, England, Germany and Sweden.
p. 495 - Ecology and habitat of Lindholmiola gyria: In E Crete in deep rock crevices at the W side of mountains should have been deleted from here. This referred to Helicodonta wilhelminae.
p. 501 - Original source of Ponentina subvirescens: Helix subvirescens Bellamy, 1839 in Bellamy 1839: 420, Pl. 18 [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified.
p. 513 - Morphology of Monacha solidior: apiral should read spiral.
p. 514 - Nomenclatural comment under the genus Trochoidea: line 2, did not established should read did not establish. The name has in the meantime been verified. Type by monotypy. Brown gave the name as Trochoidea terrestre and cited "Trochus terrestris Mont. Test. Brit. p. 287.- Don. Brit. Sh. p. 111" (= Montagu 1803 and Donovan 1802). Donovan 1802 was offline 21 Oct 2015, so I could not verify that. Brown's figure showed a white shell, very much like Trochoidea elegans, certainly not Euconulus fulvus.
p. 531 - Original source of Candidula fiorii: Helicella fiorii Alzona & Alzona Bisacchi, 1938 in Alzona & Alzona Bisacchi 1938: 97 [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified. The original spelling was Helicella (Candidula) Fiorii.
p. 535 - Description of Cernuella cisalpina: "regulately" should read "regularly".
p. 542 - Range map of Helicopsis striata: probably not in the indication region in eastern Ukraine, but rather in the western Ukrainian regions that were not highlighted in the map.
p. 559 - Synonyms of the genus Trochulus: the correct spelling of the author of the type species of Plicuteria must be Ślósarski and not Ślośarski.
p. 559 - Original source of Trochulus ataxiacus: Helix ataxiaca Fagot, 1883 in Fagot 1883: 220 (Helix Ataxiaca) [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified.
p. 560 - Original source of Trochulus caelatus: This statement in the comment: Locard 1880 (Études var. malac. p. 9 [not verified], p. 95) established a replacement name Helix glypta to escape secondary homonymy. - this source has in the meantime been verified. The statement should read:
Locard 1880: 95 established Helix glypta expressly as a new replacement name for Glischrus caelata Studer, 1820, to avoid confusion with a name used by Vallot.
Locard 1880 referred to this source:
Locard, A. 1880. Études sur les variations malacologiques d'après la faune vivante et fossile de la partie centrale du bassin du Rhone. Tome premier. - pp. I-IX [= 1-9], 1-473, Pl. I-V [= 1-5]. Lyon, Paris. (Georg, Baillière).
p. 563 - Authorship of Trochulus lubomirski: The correct spelling of the author must be Ślósarski and not Ślośarski.
p. 564 - Pictue of living Trochulus striolatus: The image represents much more probably Urticicola umbrusos.
p. 569 - Morphology of Xeromunda alticola: Should say Helicopsis gittenbergeri, not Helicella gittenbergeri.
p. 576 - Morphology of Xerotricha vatonniana: ensely should read densely.
p. 580 - Type species designation for Kosicia: the correct mode of type designation was not by original designation but by monotypy. Brusina 1904 established Kosicia "für Campylaea intermedia", this was not a valid type designation under Art. 67.5.1. The name Kosicia was originally classified as a subgenus: Campylaea (Kosicia).
p. 581 - Original source of Chilostoma ambrosi: Helix ambrosi Strobel, 1852 in Strobel 1851 [Jun 1852]: 59 [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified. The original spelling was Helix ambrosi. The spelling ambrosii used by Alzona 1971 was not in agreement with the original source.
p. 583 - Date and original source of Chilostoma hirtum Menke, 1828: Helix hirta Menke, 1828 in Menke 1828: 76. Established with description.
p. 584 - Original source of Chilostoma millieri: Helix millieri Bourguignat, 1880 in Bourguignat 1880: 5 [not verified] - this name has in the meantime been verified. The original spelling was Helix Millieri.
p. 587 - Type species designation for Drobacia: the correct mode of type designation was not by original designation but by monotypy. Brusina 1904 established Drobacia "für Campylaea banatica", this was not a valid type designation under Art. 67.5.1. The name Drobacia was originally classified as a subgenus: Campylaea (Drobacia).
Type species designation for Cattania: the correct mode of type designation was not by original designation but by monotypy. Brusina 1904 established Cattania "für Campylaea trizona", this was not a valid type designation under Art. 67.5.1. The name Cattania was originally classified as a subgenus: Campylaea (Cattania).
p. 603 - Type species designation for Vidovicia: the correct mode of type designation was not by original designation but by monotypy. Brusina 1904 established Vidovicia "für Campylaea lacticina", this was not a valid type designation under Art. 67.5.1. The name Vidovicia was originally classified as a subgenus: Campylaea (Vidovicia).
p. 617 - Shell size of Iberellus hispanicus: 8-10 x 13-15 mm - should read 8-15 x 13-26 mm. It is clearly visible in the image that the shells are larger than the indicated values suggest. The range map should be aligned with the indications published by Chueca et al. 2013 (not cited below): in mainland Spain only in Tarragona, questionable in France.
p. 620 - Original source of Levantina spiriplana: page number of the original description of Helix spiriplana was p. 416, [atlas] p. vij and Pl. 17 fig. 7.
p. 624 - Type species of the genus Otala: the correct type species is not Otala atomaria Schumacher, 1817 but: Helix lactea Müller, 1774. The type was not designated by Pilsbry 1894 under Art. 69.2.2, as incorrectly stated in the comment, because Helix lactea was cited by Schumacher 1817: 192 as a synonym of Otala atomaria, and so Helix lactea was directly eligible as type under Art. 67.2.1.
p. 624 - Shell size of Otala punctata: the correct diameter should be 16-23 mm, not 1.6-2.2 mm.
p. 626 - Date of Tacheocampylaea raspailii Payraudeau: this should be 1826, not 1827. The date 1827 was based on the unsubstantiated statement given by Falkner et al. 2002: 315 that a book review published in the Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de Géologie vol. 9 (from Nov 1826) was based on proofs. No details had been provided in 2002 to substantiate this hypothesis. Consequently the earliest date at which Payraudeau's work was shown in existence was 30 Nov 1826.
p. 626 - Picture of Tacheopsis nicaeensis: the shell was misidentified, it did not represent T. nicaeensis but Eobania vermiculata. The locality near Silifke was far outside the range of the species.
p. 629 - Type designation of Tyrrheniberus: shoud say subsequent designation by Hesse 1918: 37.
p. 631 - Babor & Koštal 1893. - this reference should be deleted, it was incorrect. The correct reference should be this one:
Babor, J. & Košťál, J. 1893. Note sur une espèce nouvelle d'Arion. - Věstník královské české společnosti náuk, třída mathematicko-přírodovědecká - Sitzungsberichte der königl. Böhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, mathematisch-naturwissenschaftliche Classe 1893 (3): 1-4.
p. 634 - Cantraine, F. 1840 should read 1841.
p. 636 - Dumont, F. & Mortillet, G. 1852-1855. Dates should be aligned with the most recent research. Falkner et al. 2002 and the copy in MNHN malacological library Paris signature H 430:1 (dates verified 21 Oct 2012) seem to contradict each other slightly.
p. 636 - Fabricius, O. 1780. To be corrected: plvrimvm should read: plvrivm; vernacvlvmque should read: vernacvlvmqve; captvramque should read: captvramqve; maximaque should read: maximaqve.
p. 640 - Giusti 1968: should say 1969 ["1968"]: true date was after 22 Feb 1969.
p. 642 - Hudec, V. 1965. nekterych druhu plzu should read některých druhů plžů, Casopis should read Časopis, Prírodovedny should read Přírodovědný.
p. 643 - Hudec, V. 1970. Poznámsky - should read: Poznámky, Casopis should read Časopis, Prírodovědný should read Přírodovědný
p. 648 - Montfort, D. de 1810. - should read: Montfort, P. D. de 1810.
It is also possible that the surname was Dénys de Montfort, but the name is usually cited as Montfort.
p. 648 - Mousson, A. 1856. Schäfli should read Schläfli.
p. 650 - Payraudeau, B.-C. 1826: the names of taxa are to be cited with the year 1826, not 1827. The date 1827 was based on the unsubstantiated statement given by Falkner et al. 2002: 315 that a book review published in the Bulletin des Sciences Naturelles et de Géologie vol. 9 (from Nov 1826 - see vol. 11 p. 30 of the same journal) was based on proofs. No details had been provided in 2002 to substantiate this hypothesis. Consequently the earliest date at which Payraudeau's work was shown in existence was 30 Nov 1826.
p. 651 - Title citation of Pfeiffer 1864: 7 should read seven. Date of publication should be May 1865 (apparentlyy after Duncan 1937, not verified), but for some reason the 1864 date for the names seem to have been commonly maintained. The same applies to Pfeiffer 1854.
p. 657 - Ślośarski, A. 1881. - should read: Ślósarski, A. 1881.
p. 665 - Index entry eliaca^ , Helicigona - the ^ was an error in typesetting.
p. 672 - Overlooked index entry: sikeensis, Isabellaria 272.
p. 679 - The two photos of Vertigo pygmaea and Vertigo pusilla were mixed up.
p. Q3 - Picture of Hydrobia neglecta: the figure is not correct and should be deleted, it represents the same shell as the figure for Hydrobia ventrosa.
p. Q7 - Scale in the picture of Gyraulus is incorrect, correct should be 80 % of the length.
p. Q13 - Figure caption Cry vas should read: Cry sub.
p. Q66 - Picture of Hyg ode has no map, refers to a synonym odeca, should read Hyg lim.
p. Q36 - Picture of Neo str represents Neostyriaca corinodes from p. 334, should read Neo cor. Picture of Neo cor represents Neostyriaca strobel from p. 334 Fig. 4, should read Neo str.
p. Q78 - Map legend of Codringtonia species should read: Map 1 (bottom left) black C. gittenbergeri, yellow C. helenae, green C. codringtonia, red and violet are correct. Map 2 (bottom centre): eucineata should read: eucineta.
Additional references for the bibliographic list:
Albuquerque de Matos, R. M. 2004. Non-marine testaceous Gastropoda of continental Portugal and Berlengas islands. I. Catalogue and bibliography. - Arquivos de Museu Bocage (Nova Série) 4 (1): 1-158.
Altonaga, K., Gómez, B., Martín, R., Prieto, C. E., Puente, A. I. & Rallo, A. 1994. Estudio faunístico y biogeográfico de los moluscos terrestres del norte de la Península Ibérica. - pp. 1-503. Vitoria-Gasteiz. (Parlamento Vasco).
Anistratenko, O. Yu., Starobogatov, Ya. I. & Anistratenko, V. V. 1999. Mollyuski roda Theodoxus (Gastropoda, Pectinibranchia, Neritidae) Azovo-Chernomorskogo bassejna. - Vestnik Zoologii 33 (3): 11-19.
(Cited from original. This source was cited with an English title, but the article was written in Russian and so it should be cited with its Russian title).
Bank, R. A. 1988. Die Molluskenfauna der griechischen Insel Lesbos (= Mytilini). - Basteria 52: 61-76.
Bank, R. 2013. Boekbespreking. - Spirula 390: 18-21.
Bech, M. 1990. Fauna malacològica de Catalunya. Mol·luscs terrestres i d'aigua dolça. - pp. 1-229. Barcelona.
Bourguignat, J. R. 1858. Aménités malacologiques. - Revue et Magasin de Zoologie pure et appliquée (2) 10: 527-545. Paris.
Brusina, S. 1881. Le Pyrgulinæ dell'Europa orientale. - Bullettino della Società Malacologica Italiana 7: 229-292.
Castagnolo, L., Franchini, D. & Giusti, F. 1980. Guide per il riconoscimento delle specie animali delle acque interne italiane. 10. Bivalvi (Bivalvia). - pp. 1-64. Verona.
[Children, J. G.] 1823. Lamarck's genera of shells. - The Quarterly Journal of Science, Literature, and the Arts 15: 216-258.
Dyduch-Falniowska, A. 1989. Remarks on the Sphaeriidae of Greece (Mollusca, Bivalvia). - Basteria 53 (1/3): 15-18.
Girod, A., Bianchi, I. & Mariani, M. 1980. Guide per il riconoscimento delle specie animali delle acque interne italiane. 7. Gasteropodi, 1 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata; Prosobranchia: Neritidae, Viviparidae, Bithyniidae, Valvatidae). - pp. 1-86. Verona.
Gittenberger, E., Janssen, A. W., Kuiper, W. J., Kuiper, J. G. J., Meijer, T., Van der Velde, G. & De Vries, J. N. 1998. Nederlandse fauna 2. De Nederlandse zoetwatermollusken. Recente en fossiele weekdieren uit zoet en brak water. - pp. 1-288. Leiden, Utrecht.
Giusti, F. & Pezzoli, E. 1980. Guide per il riconoscimento delle specie animali delle acque interne italiane. 8. Gasteropodi, 2 (Gastropoda: Prosobranchia: Hydrobioidea, Pyrguloidea). - pp. 1-67. Verona.
Hausdorf, B. 1999. A new genus of the Buliminidae from Turkey (Gastropoda: Stylommatophora). - Journal of Natural History 33: 149-154.
ICZN 2013. Opinion 2322 (Case 3567). Bulimus lineatus Bruguière, 1789 (currently Macroceramus lineatus; Gastropoda, Urocoptidae) and Bulimus lineatus Draparnaud, 1801 (currently Acicula lineata; Gastropoda, Aciculidae): specific names conserved. - Bulletin of Zoological Nomenclature 70 (3): 210-211.
Iredale, T. 1937. A basic list of the land Mollusca of Australia. - Australian Zoologist 8: 287-333.
Kobialka, H. & Beckmann, K.-H. 2005. Zonitoides excavatus (Alder, 1830) neu für Nordrhein-Westfalen (Gastropoda: Gastrodontidae). - Malakologische Abhandlungen 23: 97-107.
Lisický, M. J. 1991. Mollusca Slovenska. - pp. 1-341. Bratislava. (Vydavatel'stvo Slovenskej Akadémie Vied).
Mandahl-Barth, G. & Bondesen, P. 1949. Danmarks Fauna 54. Bløddyr III. Ferskvandsbløddyr. - pp. 1-249. København. (Gads).
Mabille, J. 1867-1869. Archives malacologiques. - pp. 1-80. Paris. (Bouchard-Huzard).
Dates (given on the first pages of the fascicules): 01 Feb 1867 (fascicule 1, pp. 33-16), 01 Dec 1867 (fascicule 2, pp. 17-32), 01 Mar 1868 (fascicule 3, pp. 33-54), 01 Feb 1869 (fascicule 4, pp. 55-71 and 5, pp. 72-80).
Martens, E. von 1881. Mollusca. - pp. Moll. 1-Moll. 125, in: Caldwell, E.: The zoological record for 1880; being volume seventeenth of the record of zoological literature. London. (Van Voorst).
Date of publication should have been Dec 1881 or shortly after, the date given in the preface.
Nevill, G. 1881. On the anatomy of Ferussacia gronoviana, Risso, from Mentone. - Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1880 (4): 662-666, Pl. LXIV [= 64].
Date for part 4 was 01 April 1881.
Piechocki, A. 1979. Fauna Słodkowodna Polski 7. Mięczaki (Mollusca) Ślimaki (Gastropoda). - pp. 1-187. Warszawa, Poznań.
Piechocki, A. & Dyduch-Falniowska, A. 1993. Fauna Słodkowodna Polski 7A. Mięczaki (Mollusca) Małże (Bivalvia). - pp. 1-204. Warszawa.
Rähle, W. 2011. Bemerkenswerte Vallonien-Funde im Naturschutzgebiet "Wertwiesen" bei Horb am Neckar (Landkreis Freudenstadt, Baden-Württemberg). - Mitteilungen der Deutschen Malakozoologischen Gesellschaft 86: 1-5.
Riedel, A. 1988. Katalog fauny Polski. Catalogus faunae Poloniae. Część XXXVI, tom. 1. Ślimaki lądowe. Gastropoda terrestria. - pp. 1-315, 1 map. Warszawa.
Steenberg, C. M. 1911. Danmarks Fauna 10. Bløddyr I. Landsnegle. - pp. 1-221. København. (Gads).
Stimpson, W. 1865. Diagnoses of newly discovered genera of gasteropods, belonging to the sub-fam. Hydrobiinæ, of the family Rissoidæ. - American Journal of Conchology 1 (1): 52-54.
Taylor, D. W. 2003. Introduction to Physidae (Gastropoda: Hygrophila); biogeography, classification, morphology. - Revista de Biología Tropical 51 (Suppl. 1): 1-287.
Wethington, A. R. & Lydeard, C. 2007. A molecular phylogeny of Physidae (Gastropoda: Basommatophora) based on mitochondrial DNA sequences. - Journal of Molluscan Studies 73: 241-257.
Zaldívar Ezquerro, C. 2000. Primera cita de Testacella maugei Férussac, 1819 (Gastropoda, Pulmonota, Testacellidae) para la fauna de la Rioja. - pp. 89-96, in: Instituto de Estudios Riojanos: Investigación humanística y científica en La Rioja; homenaje a Julio Luis Fernández Sevilla y Mayela Balmaseda Aróspide. -- pp. 1-469. La Rioja, Spain.
List of new names and nomenclatural acts
. . . . p. 26: Theodoxus Montfort, 1810 given precedence over the alternative original spelling Theodoxis (First Reviser selection, Art. 24.2.3, "if not earlier").
. . . . p. 36: Melania holandrii Pfeiffer, 1828 designated as type species for Holandriana Bourguignat, 1884.
. . . . p. 66: Planorbis bicarinatus Say, 1819 fixed as type species under Art. 70.3 for Helisoma Swainson, 1840 (originally misidentified, should have been Planorbis campanulatus Say, 1821).
. . . . p. 75: Turbo fuscus Müller, 1776: suppressed as nomen oblitum (Art. 23.9.2) (protects usage of Acicula fusca (Montagu, 1803)).
. . . . p. 77: Acme dupuyi Paladilhe, 1868 fixed as type species under Art. 70.3 for Platyla Moquin-Tandon, 1856.
. . . . p. 127: Vertigo laevigata Gallenstein, 1848: suppressed as nomen oblitum (Art. 23.9.2) (protects usage of Vertigo moulinsiana (Dupuy, 1849)).
. . . . p. 146: Pupa libanotica Tristram, 1865 fixed as type species under Art. 70.3 for Orculella Steenberg, 1925.
. . . . p. 193: Bulimus lamelliferus Rossmässler, 1858 fixed as type species under Art. 70.3 for Bollingeria Forcart, 1940.
. . . . p. 195: Buliminus merditanus Sturany, 1907 fixed as type species under Art. 70.3 for Napaeopsis Sturany & Wagner, 1914.
. . . . p. 196: Paramastus cyprius Zilch, 1951 fixed as type species under Art. 70.3 for Paramastus Hesse, 1933.
. . . . p. 216: Helix balmei Beck, 1837: suppressed as nomen oblitum (Art. 23.9.2) (protects usage of Pleurodiscus balmei (Potiez & Michaud, 1838) and of Balcanodiscus frivaldskyanus (Rossmässler, 1842)).
. . . . p. 348 Balea (Pseudalinda) serbiana n. nom.: new replacement name for Clausilia fallax var. serbica Möllendorff, 1873 not Clausilia (Idyla) serbica Möllendorff, 1873.
. . . . p. 383: Helix hispida var. glabra Hartmann, 1821: suppressed as nomen oblitum (Art. 23.9.2) (protects usage of Oxychilus glaber (Rossmässler, 1835)).
. . . . p. 413: Zonites verticillus var. graeca Kobelt, 1876 given precedence over Zonites albanicus var. graeca Kobelt, 1876 (First Reviser selection, Art. 24.2.3, "if not earlier").
. . . . p. 427: Vitrina bonelli Targioni Tozzetti, 1873 given precedence over the alternative original spelling bonellii (First Reviser selection, Art. 24.2.3, "if not earlier").
. . . . p. 609: Helix philibinensis Rossmássler, 1839 given precedence over the alternative original spellings philippinensis and philibinenensis (First Reviser selection, Art. 24.2.3, "if not earlier").
. . . . p. 609: Helix albescens Rossmässler, 1839 given precedence over the simultaneously established synonyms Helix vulgaris and Helix philibinensis (First Reviser selection, Art. 24.2.3, "if not earlier").
. . . . p. 611: Pomatia dormitoris Kobelt, 1898 given precedence over the simultaneously established synonym Pomatia kolaschinensis (First Reviser selection, Art. 24.2.3, "if not earlier").
. . . . p. 627: Helix albella Linnæus, 1758: suppressed as nomen oblitum (Art. 23.9.2) (protects usage of Theba pisana (Müller, 1774)).
Errors were reported and more complete information was suggested by Joan Carles Abella Ciuraneta, Igor Balashov, Cédric Audibert, Theo Engeser, Robert Forsyth, Klaus Groh, Susan Hewitt, Michal Maňas, Karl-Otto Nagel, Barna Páll-Gergely, Daniel Pavon, Tim Pierce, Gary Rosenberg, Jan Steger, Peter Subai, Kostas Triantis, Vollrath Wiese and various unknown users of the AnimalBase failure report page. I also took advantage of the Index Rocroi in MNHN Paris, which yielded some more points that had not been deteced before print in August 2012.
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